PJ Our Way Hamantaschen Making Class
Join other 5th and 6th graders from across the North Shore to learn to make hamantaschen and prepare mishloach manot bags for Purim. Sunday, March 9 2:00 - 4:00 PM Congregation Shirat Hayam 55 Atlantic Avenue, Swampscott Click here to register. *This...
International Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration
Monday, February 24, 2025 7:30 p.m. ET on Zoom Please join us for a memorable International Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration. Dr. Hans Fisher, escapee of the Holocaust and passenger on the steamship St. Louis in 1939, will give his testimony of leaving Germany...
Israel Update with Ido Aharoni Aronoff
Thursday, February 20, 2025 7:30 p.m. ET on Zoom Ido Aharoni Aronoff, Israeli diplomat, advisor to global companies and international relations professor, will share his keen insights about Israel’s war with Hamas, regional dynamics, and the challenges and...
Bang! The Bert Berns Story
Thursday, February 27, 2025 7:30 p.m. ET on Zoom Music meets the Mob in this biographical documentary, narrated by Stevie Van Zandt, about the life and career of Bert Berns, the most important songwriter and record producer from the sixties that you never heard of....
Ballots, Babies, and Banners of Peace: The Untold Story of American Jewish Women’s Pre-World War II Activism
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 7:30 p.m. ET on Zoom American Jewish women have always been involved in a variety of social and political causes. Come learn more about their long history of involvement in making change in the world around them. Presenter: Dr. Melissa R....
Albert Einstein: The Father of Israel’s Academic Excellence
Thursday, March 20, 2025 7:30 p.m. ET on Zoom Please join us for a presentation by Ido Aharoni Aronoff about Albert Einstein's connection with Zionism and his invaluable contribution to Israel's academic prowess. The program is free and everyone is welcome. This...
Tot Shabbat at Temple Ahavat Achim
PJ Library and Temple Achavat Achim invite families to an interactive Tot Shabbat with TAA Director of Family Learning Alex Marques. This event combines singing, movement, story time, and a light snack. Tot Shabbat events are geared towardschildren ages 6 and under,...
PJ Library’s J-Play! with Temple Emanu-EL of Haverhill
Sundays: 10:30 a.m.(once a month on the dates below) Temple Emanu-El of Haverhill (10th Ave entrance) 514 Main Street, Haverhill, MA J-Play is a monthly Sunday morning playgroup that combines music, movement, crafts, and a “nosh” for infants up through Pre-K...
Family Shabbat at Temple B’nai Abraham
Join PJ Library at Temple B’nai Abraham in Beverly for a musical Tot Shabbat service geared towards children ages 0-6 and their families. We will sing, hear a story, and then enjoy a pasta dinner together. Free and open to all. Questions? Email...
Rekindle Shabbat
Bring the beauty of Shabbat home for your family and friends! Rekindle Shabbat provides you with everything you need to celebrate Shabbat at home – delicious Shabbat meals prepared by Levine’s Kosher Market in Peabody and a kit full of Shabbat items. Invite a family...
PJ Library Endowment – Great News!
Lappin Foundation’s new PJ Library Endowment will help to ensure that Jewish children in our community will receive beautiful PJ Library books well into the future. PJ Library is the Jewish book-of-the-month-club for children, ages newborn to 8. The books are steeped...
Jewish teens in grades 7 - 12 are invited to participate in the mitzvah of caring for the stranger by preparing meals for Lifebridge North Shore. Teens learn about the connection between Judaism and social justice while contributing to the well-being of our community....
PJ Library Tot Shabbat with Congregation Ahavas Achim
Join PJ Library and Morah Katherine for a wonderful celebration of Shabbat! Featuring songs, stories, movement and sensory play designed to engage your child and teach about the Jewish day of rest. Designed for children pre-K and younger with their caregiver. Free!...
PJ Library Shabbat Shalom Circle
Children, ages 8 and younger, and parents, grandparents, and friends, are invited to welcome Shabbat with Shabbat stories, songs, friendship, and a free dinner! 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. on the following dates in the following locations: NSJCC, 240 Lynnfield Street, Peabody...
PJ Our Way Book Club
Join 8-12 year olds for a monthly book club, facilitated by teens, over Shabbat kiddush (lunch). We will read the first few chapters of the book together and discuss, and then children may take the book home to finish. The book club is for children ages 8-12 years old...
PJ Library Holiday Story Time at Swampscott Public Library
Join the Swampscott Public Library and PJ Library for an interactive story time and hands-on craft. All are welcome to participate and learn! Designed for children ages 6 and younger, but children of all ages are welcome. Children should be accompanied by a...
PJ Library Tot Shabbat at Congregation Shalom
Fridays at 6:00 p.m.(on the dates below) Congregation Shalom, 87 Richardson Road, Chelmsford Join Congregation Shalom and PJ Library for an interactive tot Shabbat featuring stories and age-appropriate prayers with Rabbi Shoshana Perry and music with musician Sue...
Fridays with Friends at Epstein Hillel School
Welcome Shabbat with music, dancing, songs, snacks and stories with EHS pre-K teacher Morah Hallie! This interactive program is for families with children ages 5 and younger (siblings welcome). Free and all are welcome Epstein Hillel School, 6 Community Road,...
Conversations will take place in the comfort of your home on five Sundays: March 9 | March 16 | March 23 | March 30 | April 6 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. One2One is a unique and exciting cross-cultural community service project for Jewish...
Caring Cards Project
Meaningful Volunteer Opportunity for Adults to do from the Comfort of Your Home Volunteers are needed to design Caring Cards for homebound older adults, who are clients of Jewish Family & Children's Service (JF&CS). The cards are free and will be mailed to...
Caring Cards Project
Meaningful Volunteer Opportunity forTeens and Tweens Teens and tweens are invited to design Caring Cards for homebound older adults, who are clients of Jewish Family & Children's Service (JF&CS). After your child decorates the cover of the card and signs their...
All 2025 Y2I informational meetings have taken place. If you have questions please contact Sharon Wyner at swyner@lappinfoundation.org or call 978-565-4450. 2025 Y2I is open to Jewish teens who live on the North Shore or Greater Boston. For eligibility requirements...
Israeli Folk Dancing
At the JCCNS, 4 Community Road, MarbleheadWK room on the first floor Wednesdays 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Sundays 8:00 - 9:50 a.m. Are you a fan of Israeli music? Do you want to learn traditional and modern Israeli dance moves, immerse yourself into Israeli culture and get an...