Subsidized Conversions to Judaism & Welcome Gift
Subsidized conversions and welcome gifts are available to those living in or who belong to a Jewish organization in Lappin Foundation’s North Shore Service Area.
Under the supervision of a sponsoring rabbi or cantor, costs related to conversion, including mikvah (ritual bath) are fully subsidized for men (non-surgical), women and children.
For more information on subsidized conversions, or if you need a rabbi or cantor to sponsor your conversion, call Sharon Wyner at 978-565-4450, swyner@lappinfoundation.org or contact your clergyperson.
In celebration of conversion to Judaism and in welcoming the new Jew-by-choice to our Jewish Family, the Foundation is pleased to offer a gift bag of Jewish ritual items. Contact Sharon Wyner at 978-565-4450 or swyner@lappinfoundation.org if you have questions.