Caring Cards Project – Registration Form

Teen Up Participant Information Form

A parent/ guardian should complete this form.


    Medical Conditions

    Is teen currently being treated by a mental health professional?

    If yes, please explain.

    List Medications Teen is Currently Taking

    If applicable:

    Considering the heavy topic of the Holocaust, please tell us anything we should know about your child and how to best support them during the course.

    Was or is there a family member or close friend who is a Holocaust survivor?

    If yes, feel free to share details.

    Thank you for completing this form. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sharon Wyner at 978-565-4450 or email

    Upcoming Programs



    Jewish teens in grades 7 - 12 are invited to participate in the mitzvah of caring for the stranger by preparing meals for Lifebridge North Shore. Teens learn about the...

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    Introduction to Judaism

    Introduction to Judaism

    Introduction to Judaism is a free 21 week course designed for individuals of faiths other than Judaism who want to explore Judaism or who are considering conversion to...

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